Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Since I feel kts getting a bit too much but want to keep on getting lamps to make some customs I am letting some lamps go. If you find any lamps you like on the newer pictures (metallic lunar is looong gone) just contact me and we'll see if we can figure something out where both are happy with.
not goin at this time are : steel jet, sconce cosmos and red swirl comet anything else is negotiable.

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Also if you want a lamp but in another colour or also a "swirled" or something that wont be any problem, I can change to your wishes except flocking or gold plating or something you need special equippement for.

you have an astro for sale?

Sent you a PM.

Hi. I really like the green glitter baby. Is that one still available?  Thanks 

feel free to browse my pictures

Josh said:

you have an astro for sale?

which one exactly do you mean? coz there is no green glitterbaby...there is a green cosmos with a custom glittervase (not original) and an astrobaby with green glitterball bottle. the last one would be available

Miss Chi V. Us (Kim S) said:

Hi. I really like the green glitter baby. Is that one still available?  Thanks 

Also I could change the glitterball liquid to crystal clear again.
Oh, sorry. I was talking about the one with glitter lava. (I don't know my mathmos stuff...lol)

Does that blue astro with the orange globe have glitter in it? really like that color combo!

Hey Josh,
actually its just a tap water dummy as I really wanted to see how it looks but didnt have two clear glitter babys.

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