Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hey all, I know I havent been online much lately. Just been busy. I lava obsession has eased(thank god) and now I am going to sell some of my excess. I will be listing them on ebay in the next week once i decide for sure what all I am letting go. Small house, and a good bit of my collection are sitting in boxes in closets.

If anyone is looking for something in particular please let me know. I might consider selling it. I still have to look in my boxes packed away to see what else I have to get rid of.

Definitely selling
green fluidium
yellow fluidium
3 peace lava lids
grande silver-pink/purple
screw cap midnight with clear/peach
americana lamp

contemplating selling
another green and yellow fluidium
a lime astrobaby still wired for uk
some old centuries
my electrik series

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I'd be interested in orange, yellow, light blue and white/white electriks and a peace lid.
Hey Jen what's going on? Can't believe you wanna sell your elek-tricks. I did that and really regret it. I would hold on to them because their only gonna get more rare. But hope all is well with you and your family.
I know, I know. I am a little ocd about things matching or atleast coordinating, and the electrics are so bright in my subdued living room. I had hoped to have a bigger house one day with a lava room. But that is a long ways off. But like I said I am only contemplating selling those.
There seems to be so much interest in the lava lids, that it probably would be easiest to put them on ebay.

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