Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I recently found a crestworth lava lamp at an estate sale.

It had some minor damage to its top, and the gel was not "melting" like it was supposed to.

The only two options I had we're:
1 resell it and hope that the cap damage caused the pressure issue.


2 emptying it and replacing the goo.

The glass is 1/16' thick, so if I were to reveal it, the likely hood of me being able to open it again are slim to none.

Needless to say, I just opened the lid without issue.

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I think that it was champaign, I didn't see any glitter on the inside.

I heated the wax up and it just mixed in with the water; as if both substances became one rather than separating.
No matter. The wax may still well be salvaged. Depends on the outcome you seek.
The lid was actually very easy to take off, I just went at it logically.

The entire top of the lamp is the "cap", I put the lamp on its side and put a little heat on the cap.

The interior Liqued helped keep the glass cool while I was able to loosen the cap.
I am still in possession of the lamps contents.

The original stand needs work... In the meantime, I punched a whole into a bar stool in order to "keep it functional".
The electrical cord was very brittle and replaced.

Goo Heads,

I'm posting these pics and update for Mike (he asked me to do this).  I've gotten to know Mike a good bit and he has definitely been infected with the "wax-virus".  Turns out he and I are a lot alike as he doesn't really get worked up over glitter either. Mike was super keen to restore this lamp and I commend him for being patient and working so hard on the lamp and not just ditching the original wax and Goo Kitting it.  This baby runs again and the wax is gorgeous!  They just don't make wax like this any more.

I spent a good bit of time on the phone with Mike and via text messaging assisting him in getting this lamp running again.  And as usual it's been a good bit of fun (to me anyhow) bringing this ORIGINAL lamp and its wax back to life.  

There needs to be some better pics of the lamp in its restored stand.....I suspect in time that some pics will be made and posted but for now here's Mike's Imperial back in action!

Right now the lamp has orange fluid and the original wax which is a creamy off white and it's a stunner.  I suspect this lamp may well have originally been a Champagne Mist but the fluid was long past ruined and not salvageable.  The original stand is still in existence and has been repaired/restored.  

I know Mike is loving this baby and I'm really pleased to have helped save another rare lamp. 

Congrats Mike!!!!


After looking at the BEFORE pictures I would have never thought that the wax could be salvaged in that Imperial.

Very well done! 

I can not explain to you what a help Critter was in the process of restoring this lamp.

The joy that my girlfriend and I receive watching it every night before bed is unmeasurable.

Critter, seriously thank you for all of your help and patience!

Delighted for you Mike and Critter... what an absolute treasure of a lamp, good to know its in safe hands and appreciated.

Mike. You are so welcome. I truly love these old lamps and love making them come back to life, but I like making new friends even more especially when the new friends are as crazy about flowing wax as I am.

I hope you can get some pics of the lamp back on its original stand and post those too.


Incredible! Lucky is the guy who owns one of these, especially one restored with the original wax!

Some incredible spiking phases too. These larger tubular lamps do give out a supreme display. How fantastic to have been restored with the original wax. Amazing.

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