Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


Hello everyone, I know many of you are on the hunt or know of someone on the hunt for replacement fiber optics for their Fantasia lamp. Look no further!! As you all may or may not know already. I am currently in the process of making replacement glass fiber optic sprays. These will be identical to the original Fantasia sprays. I am overwhelmed with pre-orders and will most likely have a supply and demand issue on my hands at first, so I will do my best to have enough on hand when I begin selling them to go around. The first sprays that will be rolling out will be for the Sunburst 4000 model, Cosmos 5000 model, Regency 4001 model. All previous model Fantasia lamps, Cuda etc will have replacements as I make them available. These I hope to have ready by early to mid summer.

The large fiber optic sprays that will first be available, will be available in two lengths. The first one being a 14" spray that when inserted will hang and display its ends about mid globe on a Sunburst 4000.
The second length spray will be 18" long and is generally seen on the Black Sunburst 4000 model "Egg Shape" But will fit the Chrome and gold model Sunburst 4000 model lamps also.

The Cosmos lamp will need a measurement specific spray tailored for a exact fit within the lamp, essentialy the 14" spray should fit with no problems however I would not mind some feedback on the length of the fiber optic spray from a Cosmos 5000 model. "Measure from the ferrule to the end tips of the fibers, I know multiple sprays were used on the Cosmos, some shorter than others, just reply to this discussion with the measurements, please and thank you! :-)

These fiber optic sprays are in no way easy to make and will be made by hand and not in a factory, the cost of materials, especially the glass fiber optics is a bit pricy, the work and the process that goes into getting a spray fully assembled from start to finish with a haircut takes a bit of time. The price tag on these sprays will be most likely in the neighborhood of $100-125 each, that will be determined when they are made available for sale. I am a quality person and will make the price tag worth it's cost. I know you all know these sprays are not available anywhere unless you purchase another lamp somewhere and snag it's spray for a replacement.

keep your eyes peeled on ebay for these sprays as this will be where I will be hosting them for sale first as where I also have many other Fantasia related replacement parts for sale, color wheels etc. I will also give a heads up to you all on here prior to me listing them on ebay. Reply to this thread to give me an idea of how many "goo members" alone I will be helping out with sprays. I look forward in helping many of you get your vintage Fantasia lamps back!!
As a heads up I WILL NOT be offering "Heat Formed" replacement sprays as the process in doing this is very involved and requires special techniques and equipment I do not have access to, perhaps down the road when the lighting business I am trying to get launched is successfully up and running.

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Hope this proves successful, I believe there are loads of Fantasia owners who are seeking new sprays, but when I tried to check out Pyrofag last year I was told - possibly erroneously - that "they only made sprays for their own model lamp"

Really hope this was wrong, good luck and please keep the posts coming? I'm after Sunburst 4000 18" sprays..

I think the metal ferrule that holds the fibers in place is similar in dimension. It should fit with no issues, you at worst case scenario would have to wrap electrical tape around the ferrule to widen it out a little but other than that these should work like a charm. They will not be like the really long 18" fibers many desire but they are pretty identical to the classic sunburst lamp and the sprays commonly found in the Cosmos model and some others. I think someone peraps even myself should purchase one of each and determine if these will work and if so what models. I would even be willing to buy a mass quantity to save on shipping and then sell within the United States. That too is always an option.
From the little I could see from the YouTube video, the spray and base look very similar.  I thought about ordering a test spray.  It looks like the unit price for a 14.000 Spray is 128.80 Euros, which, at the current exchange rate, would be about US $145.40, without shipping?    I tried submitting information on the "order form", but that didn't seem to work.  Their format may only work with European customers.  One of the fields appears to ask for a company name, so they may only be a wholesale outlet?   I found a phone number on their website... 0671/9200240... (I believe you dial 9 0 11 to place an international call from the U.S.?.)  To learn more, I thought about calling, in hopes of speaking with someone that spoke English.
That sounds a bit pricey for a spray, but at the same time reasonable if you consider no one makes them and you can not but then easily anywhere. I doubt that it is a wholesale company because the website is basically marketing their fiber optic lamps along with replacement parts. We could have the girl who originally posted the link to the German site call the company and find out how us Americans would go about getting the order placed. And what shipping would be.

There may also be US import restrictions for this item.  Jasmin... can you help us get answers from your end?  (I'm in the Denver, Colorado area... MST.  Norheim, Germany may be 8 hours ahead...?)

I will call them today
I will find Out if they ship to the US
Also I will ask for the Dimension of the Sprays Lengh and diameter als well aus the Color Disk
No Import restriction on this parts
US Customs has Problems with Ball bearings and bushings but only because China makes them
Original Produkts made in Germany are good to go

If you want to call Germany you Need to dial 0049 671........

I used a Safari extension called TranslateMe.  You select text and click a button.  It works pretty well.

I went ahead and filled out their order form and selected one of the complete lamps, provided my name and email address and clicked the submit button.  I believe the idea is they'll email an invoice that I can pay.  We'll see what I get, but waiting on Jasmin to call.  

I'm excited to hear how this turns out, this could be a pretty big deal for Fantasia fiber fans and those in need of a new spray. Be careful ordering a full lamp, you will need to get a power supply to knock down the voltage being that it is coming from Germany. I believe they are on 220 volts for power. Jasmine thank you for helping us out and for posting that link again. It's much appreciated.

Thanks, Jasmin!

Kirk... Yesterday, I submitted an "order" for a 14.000 spray, and filled out my name, address and email address.  I'm Hoping to get some sort of confirmation.  

Hello togther,

I called today at the shop and talked to Mr. Virmont
The owner and producer of the lamps/sprays.
I tell you a little of the store first so that you know who you are dealing with.
The company was founded in 1900 and was allways a family company.
He started producing the lamps in the 1960s
Than he sold the lamps only to retailers.
But later on they were not interested anymore and so he started selling the lamps to
regular customers.
He also used to produce Lava-Lamps but he quit that business
He sold all the tools to manufacture them, which now he realy recrets.

He is a very nice old man, it was really fun talking to him, that does the shop almonst on its own.
The lamps and sprays are manufactured by hand here in Germany.

And he thinks he is the only one still producing these lams and sprays in the world

The price of the lamps and sprays is the same as he used to take from the retailers
and he really does not make a forture with the shop
but he loves his job, so he keeps on going.
He explained me excatly how the sprays are made and what is important and and and

He does not speak english, but I told him about the group and he asked me to send him the link, which i will do tonight.

So now that you now a little more to the other important facs.

He will ship to the US - costs EUR 45,80
which really is a fair price, I know the costs because I work in a shop that ships world wilde.

Technical facts:

Lenght of the sprays 35cm  = 13,7795"
diamter when they fold out 40cm = 15,748"
Diamter of the bushing that holds the sprays(I have no idea if you understand what I mean) - 18mm = 0,708661"

The colour disk diamter 7,5cm = 2,95276"

And I thing what is realy important he alsthough sales the lamps in 110V
so they run in the US without a voltage transformer.

So I hope this helps you all a litle bit

Jasmin... Thanks for all your time!  The information is very helpful.  It sounds like their spray might be a good fit for a Fantasia 4000 base.   I assume the EUR 45.80 shipping cost, (about US$ 51.20 at today's exchange rate), is in addition to the price of the 14.000 spray?   (The total price of a 14.000 spray would be about US$ 200.00, including freight costs... correct?) 

Is the difference between a Glasfaserpinsel 10.000 and 14.000 the number of fiber optic individual fibers or strands?

Do they accept US credit cards, and is it a secure site?  If not, what type of payments methods are accepted from the U.S., and how should payments be submitted?  It would be great if they accepted PayPal.  Do they have a PayPal account?

After receiving payment, how long does it take to process an order for shipment?  Do they ship to the U.S. through the German postal system?  (I believe the transit time from Germany to the US destination would be about 4 to 6 weeks, including US Customs clearance?)

Thanks again for all your time and efforts on our behalf!


ok more questions :-)

Shipping goes on top of the price for the sprays.

What are strands? As I understood him, one "Pinsel" has 10.000 single fiber glass strings and the other one has 14.00 single strings

what do you mean explain a little better please, Iam totaly out of exercise with english sorry

You have to transfer the money by bank, It is a little company no payPal etc.

Shiipoing time with UPS normally takes 3-5 days and with DHL about 7-10 (DHL has less problems with customs, my expirence)

The rest of the questions I have to get in contact with the company again.

Please give me a few days, because I only can do that during working time and I should not do that to often.

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