Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

handpainted custom base/and cap by mandy.........mandy painted this base and cap in 2006 for kelly.....then it disappeared in the mail.....she painted another similar one for kelly and 4 or 5 months later got this one back in the mail......she wants 50.00 shipped for the base and cap........thanks phil

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i cant figure out how to do pms on the site..our email is mandysbus@yahoo.com thats our paypal address too..............phil
the egg toys are weebles from about 1975....mandys has done alot of themed lamps....petermax lamp/darth vaderlamp/space theme/nightmare before christmas/a football themed one[colts?] for a member on here...she can do almost anything if she has an idea or picture.............
probably will ship monday morning..we have a bunch of other stuff going out then...you are in philly you are only about an hour away from us.....we are near reading pa
That is good work! What type of paint does Mandy use? My mom loves to paint and she would paint her (one and only lava) lamp to match her decor.

Really cool and spooky design. Well painted Mandy!
mandy uses acrylic paint and then they are cleared with krylon clear spray.............
Ohhhhhhhhhmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn... I can't believe I missed this!!!! ARGH!!!

Sheesh, you leave the forum for a while and look what happens! Mandy, if you ever want to sell another, I'll buy! BTW, remember oh so many years ago I suggested a Christmas lamp? (Hint-hint!)

Congrats to Bohdan!

Cheers! Kelly
hi kiddies...........mandy is painting right now she has the next 2 days off so maybe she'll get the lamps done ....she already has a halloween one almost done.... and is working on a nightmare b4 christmas lamp[for bohdan unless i really like it] and another lamp i dont know what shes doing with.........phil
pics of nightmare b4 christmas lamp and a new/old halloween lamp............i really like the jack lamp he looks so evil....it also has oogies 3 kids/sally and the mayor on it around the back.....the halloween lamp she started in 2006 and was almost finished with it then put it aside for a few years.........
glad you like it........looks good with the white globe..............mandy wants to know where the big jack is from?........thanks again .....phil
here the halloween base and cap finished.....its real similar to the ones kelly and bohdan have but different[no 2 are alike]................its for sale 50.00 shipped.....................
shes working on a christmas lamp but is at a loss what to paint on it................phil

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