Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hello everyone, its been some time since i was an active poster here but i come and check things out every now and then. Anyway, I picked up a new hobby a little over a year ago that takes much more of my time and attention than Lava Lamps and so I have been putting my lamps away little by little and only keeping a few out.

I decided it is time to sell out most of what i have and i figured i would use ebay but it may be worth to post here before to see if anyone is interested in some before they go on ebay.

Most of my collection is late90s or early 2000s 32oz lamps and some 52oz. Also have like 4 heritage grande, a few with custom colors and one gookit that flows amazing. Im willing to sell them all, if anyone is interested please reply here and ill be posting up pics of what i have as well as an organized list to make it easier.

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Sorry for being absent, been really busy lately. I still have most lamps listed on this thread minus a couple that are pending. Joey i sent you a PM.

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