Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

One of my sons knocked over his lamp and it burst all over the floor(yes it was on), and I'm trying to find any kind of glass container that could take it's place. The base is 2" across, and goes to 3" around the widest point that rests in the heater. Something taller than the factory globe might work better because these little lamps heat up and the lava seems to collect at the top too much. Thanks for reading!

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Hi Jim Beam!
I have a few empty globes. Can you post a picture of the base? That will help me find a suitable globe. If I can find one, I will give it to you. All you have to do is pay to ship it.
Had to go dig it out of the trash can outside and clean the fish guts off it!
If you have any that may be taller it would be great.
I have a K-mart 20oz and already changed it to homemade, and the flow lasts for days. I found a few bottles at the supermarket that might work, but just have to decide if I want to modify the base for one to fit. One's a lime juice bottle, and the other's a root beer!
Lime green sounds great!
Root beer sounds even better, but does anyone have suggestions for dyeing the lava "root beer brown"?
I got some oil based dyes from fleabay, a 6 pack, and one of the colors is dark brown. I'm going to put it together soon. Bottle has a nice tall thin neck so the goo can cool better than the original globe.

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