Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

For the newbies as well as us seasoned Goo-heads...

A few tips and tricks for for outfitting your "Lava Lab" so it is organized and has functionality

Of course, they may be a few missing items (or some that don't apply to your needs), please bear in mind this is a general overview.


Some of the smaller ones are not applicable for lava (They came in a set)

Notice the strainer funnel, I add coffee filters for add additional filtering

The white funnel was supplied by GOO KITS so you dont splash hot goo on the sides when adding to a clean globe


Incredibly handy for many purposes


A variety of sizes for different size globes

Absolutely necessary in order to properly clean a globe.


Propelyne glycol to adjust the specific gravity of fluid, Surfactant (clear dish soap) helps eliminate goo and Lava from sticking to Globe. Various other "collectable" chemicals

Chemicals in a squirt bottle makes it easier for use

In this category, add lava color dyes,and food coloring for fluid


Useful for testing specific gravity of fluid



Turkey baster for removing "Floaties", Cap Snaffler for opening Globes, chemicals, etc, Wooden spoons for taking out small dents,m etc


Always have dedicated various sized pans for heating globs

Strainer comes in handy


VERY IMPORTANT if you are working with globes, goo kits, etc.

Make sure you have a set that will not transfer heat from boiling fluids as well as grip power to handle globe.


Absolutely necessary for properly capping off globes when done working on them


For a few dollars at your local discount store, you can get durable storage containers to keep yourself organized.

I find nothing to be more frustrating than wasting time searching for an item rolling around in the bottom of a box.

This will also keep your times clean and dry

A DYMO label machine takes the guesswork out of wondering what are the contents.


This may seem a bit ADD, But keeping your replacement lamp inventory organized is important

Unless you have built in magnifier eyes, you will find it difficult to see the wattage of some E12 and E17 lamps. Some lamps look identical but have different wattage's

(I've included some other lamps in my inventory that are not applicable for Lava, just so I know where to go to look for them)


I have a large shop, but still lack space for working on lamps.

Also, I have neglected in buying as dedicated hot-plate, and still use kitchen stove.

I keep almost everything in a storage trunk(s)

Kittie approved by Maggie!

Another small trunk dedicated for just lamp storage


Designed to be heated, Mason Jars are incredibly handy to store/re-heat Lava as well as storing colored store fluids, glitter, etc. I have developed a generous supply of various Lava and fuids from emptying lamps for Glitter conversions and re-goos.

I hope this helps everyone in properly setting up their Lava Lab!

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analoghaze said:

Nice post.
I've been storing fluids in empty gallon jugs of distilled water separates by color and wax in mason jars. I've found that sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) cleans the globes extremely well.

I have a ton of master fluid for free if anyone wants it.

I've been storing wax in the same containers we sell it in.
I got tired of worrying about breaking the glass jars

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