Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Is food coloring the only way to replace color?

Has anyone ever added red to a Blue/ Yellow to make it a Purple?

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Food coloring fades over time. I've had great luck using ink for a inkjet printers. You can buy refill bottles on ebay for pretty cheap.

I have a purple Grande I filtered several times trying to save the fluid but the filtering removed some of the color . I don't have the luxury of screwing up - I prefer not to mess up - do I use like 1 drop ? I plan on using a small glass of distilled water and putting the dye in there first. then adding slowly. Also I have learned through cycling without a cap on water evaporates so I think my method will work.. and Thank you

Dr. WHAT?! said:

Food coloring fades over time. I've had great luck using ink for a inkjet printers. You can buy refill bottles on ebay for pretty cheap.

I would just do a test like you said but with the same amount of water you have left over from the grande. The more water will require more drops of dye so if you want it accurate that's probably the best way.


no probs

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