Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I know that some of the stores will carry lamps that you dont see on their website. Went there today and found this nice color combo that I couldn't pass on.

Also used a coupon and it works fine.http://www.spencersonline.com/content.jsp?pageName=SignUpCoupon

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when they moved to china (early days) painting bases and caps cost money lol CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP

Alex said:

Pretty great color! Looks good with the black base. Why did they ever discontinue the Midnight series?

Nice! No problem man! Enjoy it!

Jim said:

Thanks for this brother - got the last one.

Dr. WHAT?! said:

Vernon Hills Jimbo!

I would love to see a Grande in this color!!! On the new website they have a pink/purple Grande and they are saying its new. But there is nothing new about that color combo!

I just picked this one up last night at Spencers they gave me a flyer for some limited edition lamps they are coming out with too, two of them are out already the Peace lamp and Zombie lamp the next ones to come out is the Galaxy on 11/1 and the Love on 1/1.

I picked up one of these lamps the color is great and the flow is quite good! I don't know if there was any formula change but something sure is different about this lamp in a good way.

For sure Tim, I was surprised how long it flowed perfectly without overheating and kept those long stretchy blobs we all know as "the authentic flow", not just bubbled blobs. Lets hope that things dont change in the formula department :x. Maybe they finally listed to all of us over the years?!?!?! lol  They do need more color globe options to choose from especially their new "choose your custom" selection.

Keep me posted on this one. I have horrible luck with their 52oz. lamps from Spencer's. Every single one ended up with wax sticking to the glass around the bottom. Or gunk in the coil/wax. I do like this color combo though! Please keep me updated! I junked all my Neons for the reasons listed above. 

I went to my Spencer's to get this lamp, but when I pulled it out of the box it was pretty cloudy :( I didn't buy it. I was super disappointed that this is becoming an issue again.. I hope they get another clear shipment of these lamps, because I love the color!!

So far so good with this lamp!! I'm REALLY surprised how well this lamp flows! This is the best flowing 52z China lamp I've ever seen! 

Oh and as far as the new Lava Custom selection goes WHY ARE THEY $50??!! They are still China made.

I liked the color as well and ordered one hopefully they give me a good one. Too bad I live far away to pick one out myself.
Wish they had one in red!!! Haha
first run. very impressed, wax is nice and fluid like. im thinkin new formula?.. i put mine on an silver streak base though lol.

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