Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


I bought recently cloudy Mathmos Astrobaby.

I changed the water with distilled water, put three tiny drops hand soap with Sodium lauryl sulfate SLS and started to drop Epsom salt in it.

Everything went fine at first. Got good flow, but then there was a lava ball that dont melt in the down section. And then there was 3 lava balls that dont melt together.

I thought I have put too much soap in it, so I waited that the lava cool down and start everything all over.

I did not put hand soap this time at all. Then I put some more Epsom salt in it and it seems that it wont flow at all. It was just one big lava ball, so I added 1 tiny drop hand soap. Everything went well, good flow. But it started the problem again when I have waited 10minutes or something.

Is the wax now ruined or is there some advises that can help my situation?


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Is it the right lightbulb? It seems to be too cold.

Yes, I used that bulb before and everything worked well on it. Exept cloudy water and the wax that shoots tiny half-inch bubbly blobs. The lamp is original bulb that came with mathmos E14 R39 bulb.

It looks like the melted lava balls have little space between them. Its like they are rejecting each others.

I also tested that lamp vase with my mathmos Telstar and it is looking same with that. :(

Ok! Started over and now I did not used hand soap. I used some bubble solution I found. Now the wax is melting together and it is not going too up, flows very well.

But problem is that I only got one big wax ball that is going up and then it melts, and then it goes up again. So there is no many balls I want. I tried to add more bubble solution, but only one big wax ball.

Do you know how to add more Flexibility to the wax?

Ok! now it is just perfect! I added some more water bubble solution. And it is beautiful.

And the best part is that my wax was yellow, and it had very much waterbubbles/airbubbles in it. And now them are gone. I made some boiled water to bowl and melted the wax in it without liquid. And it is very good to use if you have wax on the walls.

You don't need to clean the walls at all if the wax is touchin to the walls when you are emptying the bottle. Just put the vase to the boiled water and the wax is flowing down and the walls are perfectly clean.

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