Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hello all.

I just picked up a lamp from someone who said they bought it back '97. Is there any means of identifying this lamp? I asked him if he even opened it and he said no.

Thank you all!!!

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Oh man!  That's tight!

The fastest way to clear up a cloudy globe is usually cycling it.  For smaller globes that means something like 8 hour on and 8 hours off by using a timer.  This big one though you would wand to have it on long enough for good flow for a few hours then off.  I'm just throwing these times out but I would try 10 hours on and 4 or 6 hours off.  Basically the idea is to have several hours of run time and enough time for the wax to cool down so it doesn't overheat on the next cycle.

Emil D. Nguyen said:

It is a little cloudy I think it needs to run

Is the idea to not let it cool down completely then heat it up again? Is that flow up to Giant standards?!

It should cool down so the wax solidifies and hopefully incorporates the cloudy bits.

It's hard to tell from one pic.  That pic looks like good flow to me though, I don't have a Giant so I can't really compare!

This is interesting! I have never seen a silver Giant with a metal cap but I have heard about them. My silver Giant has a plastic cap and the bottom of the base is dated August 1998. In my opinion I think the sliver Giants are kinda rare because most of the Giants that where sold had black bases. Thanks for posting those pics you've got a real nice lamp there!! Enjoy!

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