Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I recently purchased this on eBay for $70 because it appeared to be in amazing condition. It has a problem that I'm really bummed about.
It flows so amazingly for about 30- an hour after melting and after that, the wax mostly stays in the bottom third of the glob, hardly dancing at all let alone flowing. I twisted the cap off to find its missing the usual red stopper that I see sealing the globes on these 70s 32 oz lamps. That led me to notice when the lamp is melted, the liquid is way too high for a 70s lamp, almost going past the bottom of the lid. I now have a feeling some idiot added water to the globe and I'm SO BUMMED. I'm afraid to experiment because this lamp is so freaking nice.
Can someone help me out in any way??
~ See picture, ps the flower base is up in my closet for safe keeping. It's on a 90s base.

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Christian, it sounds like the specific gravity of the fluid needs to be tweaked. You should look into purchasing some propylene glycol to add to the existing fluid to get that wax dancing. I just bought a gallon of the stuff from an Amazon seller.

Thanks Ryan, I thought that was what I was going to need, although I have never done that before. Guess I will make good use of all those eye droppers from my Gookits that I never use lol. I know I will have to empty some of the fluid out or there will be no room. How much do you think it would need? Or should I just get it hot when it stops flowing and add a drop at a time?

thanks again

You're welcome, Christian. I haven't actually gotten a chance to use mine just yet. I think it would be a good idea if we consulted Claude on this for additional tips.
There is usually a 20% ratio of propylene to distilled water. Take some fluid out (@1oz at a time) and replace with propylene glycol. Use tirkey baster with fish tank tubing or large eyedropper. Make sure you wait for lamp to reach operating tempature again before adding more. This should get the lava moving again.
Thanks for the advice Claude. TIme to order some propylene glycol haha. Hope i can get it grooving again :)

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