Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hello !

Have been working on changing out the water/wax on my Century 100 and noticed that the bottom of the globe is cracked. 

Is this globe worthless now or is it possible to still use it without risk of fracturing completely?

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Hmmm, I don't think between where the fluid should be before expansion and the top would be 10oz, that sounds to much.

Post a pic of the bottle visually we should be able to tell you which one it is.

My 32oz bottle is about 11"T x 4" at widest point

My 52oz bottle is about 11"T x 4.5" at widest point

The big difference is where the neck tappers before the cap 32oz about 1.5", 52oz about 2.5"

The 52oz bottles appear chubby as it tappers up, the 32oz bottles look skinnier as they tapper up. The metal decorative cap gives you a clue to the top width of the bottle. You can see it in the photos.

See diagram below, for visual reference

Make sense?

By the image above, mine is definitely a 52.  

I'll measure out 52 ounces of liquid and see if it will fit in the globe, but I'm thinking maybe the 52 oz doesn't refer to containable fluid. Maybe it refers to something totally different.

BTW any body got a 52 oz globe to sell?

So that's good you have a 52oz bottle, that is what you needed. You might want to post up in the wanted section for add'l bottle you are looking for. Your request might get lost/buried in this thread.

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