Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I have a new Lava Lamp 16.3 but the only thing that happens after about 4 hours is the wax stays on the bottom of the bottle and does not rise. Does anyone have a suggestion to solve the problem.

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Believe it or not, some new lamps can take 4 hours just to warm up. My friend had a new ombre 16.3" lamp that took 4 hours just to start to dome.

It could be a bad lamp but I would run it for 5-7 days, 8 hours a day as they do need some breaking in.

Seems obvious, but  check to make sure your not near any airflow from a vent or fan

Thank you for the tips, I'll try it with 8 hours run time.

Claude J said:

Seems obvious, but  check to make sure your not near any airflow from a vent or fan

no the lamp is not in front of a fan

I have now also added a heating ring from a Mathmos Astro baby lamp. and as a light bulb I use a 40 Watt halogenspot. Now the lamp is running.


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