Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So I have an odd problem. 2 of my new grandes I simply redid with distilled water and surf. They run beautifully.

I have red grande wax from another grande that came cloudy and i didn't want another red variant so I simply melted the wax into a mason jar for a rainy day.

I made a 52 oz lamp from the wax, distilled water and surf (no different that that the grandes I fixed). Same wax as my other new lamps.

The lamp will only partially work. It will not flow 100% up to the top and never really get going. I can leave it on for hours and it simply will not flow like my other 52oz lamps with lava lamp wax with distlled water and surf.

My theory is that grande wax really needs to the 100watt bulb to get it fully moving and that the 40 watt bulb in the 52oz base is simply not hot/strong enough to get the lamp working properly?

Is it possible the grande wax is denser/thicker hence needing the stronger bulb?


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Sounds good! The magma tower surf works well in all my lamps. Nice and thin and dissolves instantly into the fluid.

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