Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I picked up a Giant bottle that appears to be in good shape - it is being shipped to me at the moment.

Will a Grande base work for this lamp or do I need a true Giant base?

Anyone have a Giant base they want to let go?

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Yes.  The base will fit, It is the same bottle. The bases are the same size and finish too and are almost indistinguishable from each other. 

They do look very similar but the bulb sits higher or lower depending on which base you have.  

Chow is correct about that bulb height spec.   But since you are having to do a refill it does not matter much because you will be filling the globe fresh and tweaking the bottle contents to work with the bulb and base combination you have.  If you were using a original fill Giant globe on a Grande base or vise versa you would probably have some compatibility issues due to the heat requirements specific to the differing bottle fills of the Giant and Grande globes.  That should not be the case for you though because you will be filling from scratch and can tweak the bottle contents as you go.  

Oh wait, hold it.  I am responding to you assuming you bought just a Giant bottle....empty and are refilling.  Is that the case here? If not and it is still filled with oem contents you may see some flow problems.  If so you may have to raise the bulb height  with a socket extender if more heat is needed.  If it needs less heat a dimmer will do just fine.  

Really appreciate everyone’s comments!

Knowing that I could put the globe on a grande base reduced the potential stress I would have had waiting for the globe to show up via fedex. 

She’s a bit cloudy from shipping but otherwise the globe doesn’t have any scratches or starbursts at all. 

Its warming up now so fingers crossed!!

I think it’s pink / pink ?!?!

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