I've been lavaless for about 30 years, and I recently had a relapse. I fell off the wagon hard. Originally I just had the one Lava Lamp, a 17in Gold Century in blue/white. I got it when I went away to college, and really the reason I only had one was because I lived in a really small space and I didn't have room for more than just the one. Then I graduated and had to become an adult and put my toys away. I live in a much bigger space now, and while cleaning out my closets I found the old lava ov vvλ live. She still worked, and my lova lava was relit. I went a bit nvts on Amazon and bought four more: a 16, two 14s and an 11. The 11 and one of the 14s arrived very cloudy and showed signs of being used. So I returned those and re-ordered. The 14 came correct, but the 11 was again cloudy and showed signs of having been used again. So rather than returning it again, I decided I'm going to crack it open and fix the fluid.
Then today my son (he's 16 and spends most of his time in earpod land) noticed my new lamps. He took his earpods out and spoke. To me! He said they were cool. I'm cool again! I haven't been cool for... who am I kidding I'm a total nerd, I've never been cool. He also grunt-mumbled that he would like one. So, and this is where the disease really took over, I hopped into my car and drove to the nearest Spencer's, which is 30 miles away. I got him the one that he liked, and I bought myself another one too. I now have three large lamps, I call them Goldar, Silvar, and Gam. Granted Silvar and Gam are supposed to be much smaller than Goldar, but it's the 1960 sci-fi geek thought that counts. So the three large lamps, two 14s and an 11 with a questionable future.
The itching has stopped for now, but I have a feeling I'm going to have to move to a bigger house sometime soon. Oh and because I am a complete and total nerd I automated my lamps by putting them on a smart switch I can control with Alexa and set it up to automatically turn the lamps on three hours before I get home from work and shut off at bed time.
Well, the first step is admitting you have a problem. But I'm not sure I'm there yet.
Views: 498
Welcome Nick! That is almost my story exactly. Had an Original 1986 Red/Amber Century (still have it and it is my best flowing lamp). I picked up a couple free ones with blown bulbs in my teens while working at Natural Wonders. Recently dig up my lamps and in the last 2 months I have bought over 40! Well, as I am trying to tell myself, at least it wasn’t a Porsche. Cheers!
I'm addicted too
I started freebasing my own goo to feed my addiction is soo bad
If I ever get raided, the police will think my Lava Lab is for making meth with all the laboratory glassware, heaters, flasks, hydrometers. I recently bought a water distiller, three chrome shelf units, and a wax melter.
I'm out of control~!
The collection is overwhelming
Nice gold mine there Claude!
Funny story, I told my wife that I would clean the entire basement last Saturday but after 6 hours I had only managed to condense and clean up my lamp collection.
Haha, that cartoon is funny cause it hits home just a bit too much, lol. Actually there has been a good natured ongoing argument between my girlfriend and I as to who's collection has gone too far and negatively impacts our apartment's interior decor more: My growing Lava Lamp collection or her edged weapons(swords, daggers, switchblades, bayonets, knifes of all types etc) and firearms collection. Its a juxtaposition that definitely gives the place an interesting look which I actually like quite a bit, especially since people often assume the terrifying assortment of weaponry is the "his" and the decorative lamps are the "hers" of the collection on display everywhere. Makes me laugh every time a guest, especially older relatives of either of us gets it backwards as to whose is whose.
My habit has gotten bad, I'm doing lava at work now. This one I am calling Prince. According to the box, it is clear/blue/metallic. But in reality the The wax is more purple than blue, let's call it indigo, and the base is a chromed steel sort of look, so Prince seemed a good descriptive name. Yes, I name my lava lamps. I am just that attached to them. I have to take it home, but I'm not sure where I am going to put it yet. I think I may commandeer a vacant plant shelf. But that means I'm probably going to have to acquire 5 to 7 more lamps to fill it out. Oh darn, what ever will I do? >:)
Prince has found a new home on the "plant shelf" I also picked up a second blue/purple and a new blue/green. I'm calling the second blue/purple the same as the first, "Batgirl" One simply cannot have enough Batgirl. But now I have the task of naming the blue/green lamp. My first thought was Joker, but I feel like the base needs to be painted candy apple red before that name sticks.
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The Lamp Caretaker |
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Modulo '70 |
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