Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I hit the motherload!

You would not believe what we had to go through to get these

16hr round trip is only the start


$45each + Shipping

Paypal and Google pay accepted to LAVALABCREATIONS@GMAIL.COM

Place your order via email and give me your address so I can give you a total for USPS shipping

Please order by G-color description

G-12 Purple Lava/Blue Fluid 8-32oz Globes available
G-13 Blue Lava/Clear Fluid 8-32oz Globes available
G-19 Yellow Lava/Blue Fluid 16-32 oz Globes Available

G-20 Yellow Lava/Purple Fluid 8-32 oz Globes Available

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You’re my hero!!

What year are they?

papers and box indicate 1998

Sentrex said:

What year are they?

Claude J said:

papers and box indicate 1998

Sentrex said:

What year are they?

I ordered one off your ebay listing before seeing this post. Should have checked first. What kind of bases are those?

They are for the Aurora-a knockoff of the Crestworth Telstar

I'm really curious as to how you got these?  If you don't want to share publicly, can you message me? These kinds of globes are pretty rare NIB and in these quantities, especially considering they're almost 25 years old.

I found them as a result of someone (Can't remember who) telling me about them on Facebook messenger.

That was 2 months ago since the first contact. The gal kept going in and out of communication.

We kept going round and round over the shipping charges as she couldn't even get to the post office with ONE BOX nor be able to use the computer to go to PayPal to find out since she had no bank account or PayPal account.

FINALLY, We decided to just go get them in Michigan with a pocket of cash and drive nonstop for 7 hours to some mudhole shit little town above Grand Rapids (I'm on Wisconsin /Illinois border)

Kari went for me because I can't do that kind of drive any longer  (Without chemical assistance)

She left early enough to bypass traffic in Chicago area rush hour but it is on the way back

She gets there,.. no address numbers on the building., Shes not answering her phone or text, We are fuming!

Finally, Kari starts stopping and asking every and anyone that would answer a door in this commercial area.

Turns out It's a dilapidated steel building with a parking lot deep in mud for an entrance  (just detailed the van)

She goes in and there is a wood stove (not properly vented) and plywood over a dirt floor for flooring.

Her eyes are burning from the smorgasbord of various fumes.

They had this makeshift corner of a towing company turned into a home,

Kari said it REEKED of weed and a chemical smell that she described to me to sound like meth. (shes an innocent)

The seller was @45yrs (?) had no teeth, talked with a southern white trash slang, dressed in a rag housecoat and smelled of BO.

She pissed off Kari by saying, ""See! isn't this better than shipping them? "" 

If Kari was a violent person and not raised in law enforcement and a have multiple degrees in law including a  B.A. she would have decked her on the spot.

Its a good thing I didnt go

She paid her to complete the transaction and her husband helped load them.

My Gal ran for the border after washing the mud off herself that she got from sinking into 4 inches of it from getting out of the van and loading it. ,

She hit rush hour in grand rapid on the way back with an accident to slow things down even longer.

She left at 5am and got home at 1am with only stopping for fuel.

She"s a keeper!

These have a Spencers Las Vegas shipping label on the carton

MattMJB0188 said:

I'm really curious as to how you got these?  If you don't want to share publicly, can you message me? These kinds of globes are pretty rare NIB and in these quantities, especially considering they're almost 25 years old.

Interesting. Looks like you went through hell to get those.  I hope you make a nice profit off them (you should).  Do you have any rare color combos?  Red/blue #27 or red/whites #26?

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