Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Is there anyone here in the US that can switch it over? My knowledge is non-existence in this area.  I can do simply soldering and thats about it.  Of course I would pay for everything shipping, parts, time, ect....  Please email me at rocklord@live.com.  Thanks all 0802201408%7E2.jpg









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You are digging to deep
The plasma high voltage section of these boards are all the same,
Its the input power supply that differs between the USA (120Volt) and UK (220volt).
Did it have a power cube you plug into the wall or a standard 220v plug?

I had an adapter but when I plugged it in I heard a small pop and it hasnt worked at all.  I have taking apart other globes and placed the coil in it to see if the gas was still in it and it lit up so I know thats not the issue. I thought maybe the compositor but they all look ok and don't have a bad smell to them. 

send a pic of the adaptor you used
The Plasma Spazma said:

I had an adapter but when I plugged it in I heard a small pop and it hasnt worked at all.  I have taking apart other globes and placed the coil in it to see if the gas was still in it and it lit up so I know thats not the issue. I thought maybe the compositor but they all look ok and don't have a bad smell to them. 

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