Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Well Got the Lava Grande Black Lava Clear Liquid to day and it is very cloudy. I don’t want to filter it and don’t have a filter. I would like to know how long will it take to clear up the lamp? Do they all eventually clear up in time or do some never clear up? Well I had a Red Lava purple liquid come cloudy about one year ago and it took almost one year to clear. What do all of you think. I think the flow is going to be very good.


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Well I will need to look in the morning to look for the white dye becouse The lamp is runing now. What dose this meen if it dose?

I forgot to say the lamp was clear befor shipping. They ran the lamp befor shipping to see if it was good.
Is it cold where you are? If so, too cold will cause the lamp to cloud.
I am in Houston Texas.

Lol, was it warm or cold when you received the lamp? How did the lamp feel when you got it?
It was cool but not cold.

Should be fine. I can tell you that with my 52oz clear/black, it was cloudy upon purchase and I filtered it. Crystal clear. Ran it a few days and it clouded back up.
Is the lamp clear now. Did you just run the lamp?

I did another filter. It's now clear. We will see if it stays that way.
Ok it is morning now and the lamp has know white dye on the bottom of the globe. What do all of you this will it clear.

Sorry I wanted to say What do all of you think will the lamp clear in time?

Well If it will clear in time I dont mind runing the lamp for a long time. It would be worth the work if it clears in about 6 months. I dont want to filter the lamp as I dont have a filter and I do not fill like I could get the job done right.


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