Well Got the Lava Grande Black Lava Clear Liquid to day and it is very cloudy. I don’t want to filter it and don’t have a filter. I would like to know how long will it take to clear up the lamp? Do they all eventually clear up in time or do some never clear up? Well I had a Red Lava purple liquid come cloudy about one year ago and it took almost one year to clear. What do all of you think. I think the flow is going to be very good.
Permalink Reply by Kris on February 6, 2009 at 7:47pm
Should be fine. I can tell you that with my 52oz clear/black, it was cloudy upon purchase and I filtered it. Crystal clear. Ran it a few days and it clouded back up.
Well If it will clear in time I dont mind runing the lamp for a long time. It would be worth the work if it clears in about 6 months. I dont want to filter the lamp as I dont have a filter and I do not fill like I could get the job done right.