I've been reading about the problems people have with the newer Chinese lamps, with problems such as coils too small, etc. How do you recognize these lamps. Are they all lamps after certain date? Is there a "made in China" stamp that ensures that they are the substandard lamps? Can you look at them and tell. Are all the ones that are sold new right now suspect? Or what?
i have a chinese lava lamp, and i cant see the difference on a web side
you have to see in a store or shop so you can remove the top cap
to see the bottel cap's tekst
All lamps sold by LW currently are made out of the US. Any of their lamps made after '07 seem to be the worst. When you look at the "soda bottle cap" top the first two numbers of their newest lamps are the year. These lamps will have a sticker on the top, not a stamp. All of my '06 and '07 seem to be fine. Most of the '08 seem to have a marked difference in quality. Your best bet for a lamp with a good flow are going to be older lamps--midnights and such. I have had pretty good luck finding these at Goodwill and second hand shops. You may pay as much for them as you would for a new one there, but the quality will make it worth the extra $$!
Thanks for the great information everybody. I live in a rural area, without the luxury of Goodwills or flea markets or Spencer stores. I have to rely on Ebay. Now I know what questions to ask. Again, that information if priceless!
Permalink Reply by Kris on February 10, 2009 at 1:58pm
I just got some replacement globes in from Lava World. Two of the three have the original Lava Lite caps on them. Seems the date is 00 on the clear/black and 02 on my white/pink. The clear/red is marked as 08. It was to replace a cloudy red, however it too is cloudy.
Anyways, does that mean the ones with the Lava Lite logo cap as seen below - are made in USA?