Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I finally finished y first Lava Lamp!!!!! It's cloudy, but I'll fix that on my next one.
Check Out the Pics

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I like the color of the liquid, but what is the color of the wax?

Also, you might have a slight fire hazard on your hands. I don't think PVC is rated for high heat usage. It will melt, become brittle, crack and all that. How about using a Hotrocket base? Looks like it might work.

Again, I love the color of the liquid!
It isn't made of PVC pipe. It's made out ABS pipe and coated with a flame resistant gel before it was painted glossy black. Instead of making a whole top, I just spray painted the cap of the bottle.
The wax is clear in color since I couldn't find any proper wax dye anywhere.. I've measure exactly what I've put into it and I'm gonna dump it all in at once instead of adding salt a bit at a time.
Sounds like you thought of it all! Nice work. Clear? That is very cool. Would love to see a clear wax.
I'll make another one this weekend. It shouldn't take more than a couple hours this time since I've already build a base and measured everything from the first one. I just need to add the salt all at once, then it won't fog up.

I'll make this one a vibrant green wax and clear liquid. That way the "SOBE Green Tea" bit actually has significance. I chose the bottle cause it looked cool and costs $2. I wanted to make i out of a Absolut Vodka Bottle.......but they were like $50.
Lol, yeah - the Absolut bottles do have alcohol in them so your kinda paying for that :) Hehe.

Yeah, that green/clear would be sweet. Do post pics when you got your flow going.
yeah. The clear wax isn't that special. If you wanna have clear wax, you HAVE to color the liquid or it can be tricky to tell the difference.
That's when you just give the wax or the liquid just a HINT of color so you can see the difference. I just think clear wax is really neat. If you can tint it a silver color, it would be like mercury.

Yes - don't forget pics! :)
Cool base. I think you are on to something. I haven't seen anybody use a piece of pipe before. It might be cool to use a steel pipe for this and just leave it exposed (no paint.)
sounds cool.....

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