Permalink Reply by Kris on February 25, 2009 at 7:54pm
I like the color of the liquid, but what is the color of the wax?
Also, you might have a slight fire hazard on your hands. I don't think PVC is rated for high heat usage. It will melt, become brittle, crack and all that. How about using a Hotrocket base? Looks like it might work.
Permalink Reply by kjun on February 25, 2009 at 8:17pm
It isn't made of PVC pipe. It's made out ABS pipe and coated with a flame resistant gel before it was painted glossy black. Instead of making a whole top, I just spray painted the cap of the bottle.
The wax is clear in color since I couldn't find any proper wax dye anywhere.. I've measure exactly what I've put into it and I'm gonna dump it all in at once instead of adding salt a bit at a time.
Permalink Reply by kjun on February 26, 2009 at 7:22am
I'll make another one this weekend. It shouldn't take more than a couple hours this time since I've already build a base and measured everything from the first one. I just need to add the salt all at once, then it won't fog up.
I'll make this one a vibrant green wax and clear liquid. That way the "SOBE Green Tea" bit actually has significance. I chose the bottle cause it looked cool and costs $2. I wanted to make i out of a Absolut Vodka Bottle.......but they were like $50.
Permalink Reply by Kris on February 26, 2009 at 11:45am
That's when you just give the wax or the liquid just a HINT of color so you can see the difference. I just think clear wax is really neat. If you can tint it a silver color, it would be like mercury.
Cool base. I think you are on to something. I haven't seen anybody use a piece of pipe before. It might be cool to use a steel pipe for this and just leave it exposed (no paint.)