You know, I love lava lamps and all but it seems I have found a new passion! I absolutely love these lamps. Here is my newest addition - the Fantasia Saturn lamp!
I am going to be adding a video later tonight when I can get a good shot of all the fibers lit up.
Sometime, I could post a list of nodel names/styles of the 1970s Fantasia fiber lamps, and perhaps, Kris, you have some to add? I've been considering doing an illustration, similar to my Boiler list.
Permalink Reply by Kris on February 28, 2009 at 9:47am
I am actually going by a list you have posted here before. I need to find the link again. However a more thorough list would always be welcome. Especially for Ant since he is going to be updating the Fantasia site.
Jonas - Check your messages and CHAT!!!! I have a couple questions for you.
That is nice. :O) I love these things too.
The coolest one I ever saw was called (I think) the Sunburst. I don't know who made it but Cool Stuff Cheap (again, I think) sold it maybe around 6 or so years ago.
It was very big and the fibers were long at the top and got progressively longer towards the bottom so it looked like a long puffy beautiful cascade. I saw one on Ebay once not that long ago but it went for some insane amount... like $300 or something.
I wish I remembered what it was called or had a pic... or better yet I wish I owned one! Totally should have bought it when the stores sold it.
I have heard the Sunburst is amazing. I have to agree from all the photos I have seen. It's suppose to be massive as well. Thankfully I will be a me to see it in person this week. I was able to purchase one this past Friday. Can't wait for it to arrive. These lamps are mesmerizing.
I took a look at your photos. You have a nice collection! How long did it take for you to get what you have? Can you name some of the models you have, because I see some that I am unaware of. Mainly the smaller lamps. I see the Omni. What is the lamp that's before the pyramid one? It looks kinda like a spinning top?