Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Limited edition Lava Grande with blue liquid, white wax. I was told only 100 made?

Its in original unopened packing box,

Make reasonable offer. These were selling on eBay for $300 Plus when available.

I have one opened one I'm keeping as collectors items.

I will post pics of opened one soon as I dig out of storage

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I would be interested in the left over Giant black base/caps. Let me know if you decide to sell them.
Was curious if this is still available. Not interested because it's a "collectors" item, just really like the color combo.

I would be interested in the clear red if you ever want to part with it....
What is an inifnity lamp?
I would love to have one.

That is incredible!!! How exactly did you filter the liquid to get it that clear???
Thanks for any info.
Since this post I broke my leg. I got a desease called Osteomylitus. My prognosis is my circulation would require amputation. Since then I have told them no amputation thank you, I've lived 54 years (my bday was yesterday) Not looking for sympathy or pity. if I was, I'd have milked on it for years. No this is to notify I'm getting rid of my "Earthly Goods" hehe. You know the old saying. You can't take it with you.
I'd like to get the most I could. Since it's going to my favorite charities. My boards on www.entconn.com, www,entmud.com, my forum at www.entconn.boardnation.com, and the last remaining list and scoreboard at www.turbosentry.net. Who I have willed my machines, software and licrenses to my good friends to run

And my favorite charity, The childrens fund at the Salvation Army. The kids deserve all they can get,

The auctions here on eBay http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:M...
Oh! I almost forgot. I'm on hospice care, they don't know how long I have. I'm trying sell or give everything I own away. Because no one here, especially my Mom. Who would be doing it. Would know the value. She'd just give it to the Salvation Army. Where most would likely get broken or lost.

Hey, Believe me whether I die and rot, go to a better place,,, yadda yadda ya.. It's better than laying in bed 24/7/365.
I have lived a long a pleasurable life. Done things some walking people will never do. I have helped out a lot of people, because I wanted to keep people from living a life like I had, I adoped a son, who's 35 now and has a son 16 of his own.
I had a great life... Now I'm ready to go.

Do you blame me? :)
Michael. I am so sorry to hear about your leg and prognosis. I am a T-4 paraplegic 23 year’s post injury. Over the past 5 years I have had several health problems that have kept me in bed for quite awhile. I don't know you or your situation so I am not fit to judge if you made the correct decision. Personally I hope you are able to make your peace with God. Life here is hard, but I have to believe that something better awaits us when it is over. That's my 2 cents. Take it for what it's worth. Best wishes to you and your family. Brad
i got one of these giants from Brett a few years ago, i've never run. this globe is super dark blue. i think he only ran it a couple of times. i would love to trade this for red/purple or orange/purple giant globe. also looking for haze lava world lamps or a hot pink/clear vintage silver century
I have a red purple Grande Globe if that is what you are looking for.

I see you have a bid on the blue/white on ebay.. Good! I don't have the $$ or I'd bid on it as well. Hope you get as much as you can .... Everybody's clock is ticking, I'm just sorry your alarm is going off so soon. I like your attitude. Keep messaging....


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