Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Anyone know how to make a newer lamp more active like the 90s lamps?


I have a 52 oz globe from Spencer's, and I noticed that it really only tends to flow nicely when I put it on a 50 wattage bulb and it flows beautifully just like a 90s USA lamp. The lamp uses a 40 watt bulb, but when I actually use a 40 watt bulb, the wax melts but it just sits at the bottom in one giant blob.

What can I add to the fluids to make the lava flow and be more active while on a 40 watt?

I was reading I could add some salt, but does anyone know a trick or anything I can do to make it flow actively?

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Nice lamps Keith , so your saying  even though that lamp calls for a 40 w , you use a 60w and it works great ? , where do you find that kinda bulb , my local hardware places doesn’t seem it have the right base for the bulb 

Yes, no problems.  60 watt appliance bulb also sold as ceiling fan bulbs

bob y said:

Nice lamps Keith , so your saying  even though that lamp calls for a 40 w , you use a 60w and it works great ? , where do you find that kinda bulb , my local hardware places doesn’t seem it have the right base for the bulb 

Cool thx , maybe that’s the ticket then , I’ll go look tomorrow .  I’ll keep u guys posted on the results , 

Kyle I hope you can get the lamp going good , keep us posted , I don’t know anything really but if you need to bounce an idea of someone am around , and less is always more with lava lamps  I feel . This web page has tons of good info , and youtube also about lamps , fixing etc. . Good luck 

The lamp flows better , used a 60w bulb it worked , but the base is ceramic so I went back to the 40 w , so it won’t break the base , however if I had a base I didn’t care about I’d use this light bulb but I can’t find it 

If it flows better with 50W then use a 50W bulb. It's only a 25% greater power output, it should not be hazardous. Put it another way, the globe is a great temperature indicator - it's going to visibly overheat long before the lamp melts or catches on fire!

Obviously use a dimmer, but that's pretty much standard advice for any lamp. You may well find that you don't need 50W all the time, and that something like 45W is fine.

where did you find these bulbs that fit  the normal size base , all I can find is 40w 

Beautiful lamps, Keith. I love those silver centuries and their colors!

Your case sounds interesting, and that blue flow is certainly beautiful. I was concerned about using a higher wattage bulb because of fire hazards and also because it is on a vintage base. My lamp also does that halfway up mound when on 40, but the 50 does it wonders!

Keith said:

See that blue lava lamp?  I've had a 60 watt bulb in it for many years.  It is a 90's lamp and just won't flow on a 40 watt bulb, just a raised mound halfway up, not even a column.  But look how good that flow is on a 60!  Just sayin

View from my recliner

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