Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Cost of operating one lava lamp for one year.

So I came across this factoid and thought I would share and extrapolate.  Based doubling the time in the attached graphic it costs about ten dollars per year to run a lava lamp daily.  So that's something you can share with whoever may be concerned about wasted energy.

Here's the information from the GE Reveal bulb.

Lighting Facts Per Bulb


320 lumens

Estimated Yearly Energy Cost $4.82

Based on 3 hrs/day, 11¢/kWh

Cost depends on rates and use


Based on 3 hrs/day

Light Appearance


2650 K

Energy Used

1.4 years


40 watts

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So I decided to run the figures for me in the UK

4 x astro lamps, on roughly 10 hrs a day

(note the first number is missing from electricity price, it's 14.5619

Works out to £84 a year, or roughly $117.

£21/year for an astro (running 10 hours a day)

Quite depressing really!

I need some solar panels...

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