Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Let me know if you have one for sale.

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Will LavaLamp.com sell just the base and top if you contact them?

I have a damaged base I received my lamp at a scrach and dent sale it holds the globe and doesn't look horrible , I'm sure the right person and time could fix it but if you would like it you cover cost of shipping and a few bucks it's yours !

Sent a friend request. Can you take a picture of it for me, please. Pretty sure I want it.

I have 6 grande for sale

You might want to rry this, 
Hit up your local body shop and ask them to redo it
For less than $100 you should/will get a base and cap that blows all others out of the park.
I had one done in midnight tuxedo black and it was stunning

Go crazy and find  an airbrush artist

Claude J said:

You might want to rry this, 
Hit up your local body shop and ask them to redo it
For less than $100 you should/will get a base and cap that blows all others out of the park.
I had one done in midnight tuxedo black and it was stunning

I realize that this post is over 5 years old, however if anyone is looking for Grande bases I have some nice ones available for purchase currently - 


Thanks Claude! I was looking for the raw base. I do my own paint. Kinda got burned out so I’m not on here often, just doing my own now. Peace

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