Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

My first attempt at a home made giant rocket lava lamp.

Hello everybody,

I'm a new member to the site and thought I'd share my first attempt at making a large rocket lamp. (there's more pictures on my profile, I have no idea how to add more...)

This was an early attempt to make my own rocket (due to the high price that the original Lunar commands...)

It's basically made from off cuts and left overs from my workshop.

The base wasn't too difficult, the nose cone was a pain...

Needless to say, this wasn't the end of the story.

A Mk2 version was soon made (that looks considerably different) and I'll add pictures soon (if anyone is interested.)

And yes, a Mk3 is on the cards.



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great work! it looks really clean. what did you use for the bottle?


Thanks for the comment. The bottle is a new Mathmos bottle. 

Mk 2 pictures please! 


I've just added a new thread, with pictures of Rocket Lamp number two.

(More pictures on my profile.)

Now currently working on versions 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.

No, really!

Hope these are better pictures that everyone can see!

Didn't realise my computer hadn't uploaded them in the right format!

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