Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Curious as I do not know why and have 2 lamps that do this - why does blue lava look purple? I have 2 globes, one a 32 and one a 52 (thanks Steve!) and when they run, they look purple. They do look nice and blue when cold though.

I love the color - I am just curious about this.

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I've noticed this too and its really annoying. According to LW they will get bluer with use but I don't see them doing this. The new blues from like 2001 and on look dead purple. The 90s blue clear globes look half way decent but the late ones... no way.
Yeah the 52 oz globe I got a few days ago says it's a 2000 globe. It's nice and blue cold, but blue/purple when hot. I love the color - I was just curious what caused it.

I also have a 90's blue clear that is pure blue when running. I have another new blue clear from the 90's that I have only run once that is the same as the 52, it looks purple. So I guess they might be right - the more you run it the bluer it gets?
Supposedly but I've had globes change color through out the course of their run such as blue white which looses the white look in the lava.
How long does it take for the white lava to no longer be white? I have 3 lamps with pure white lava with no signs of color change.
With a few of mine it took awhile. I runned some of mine everyday for like 10 hours and that will defitely do it. I would say the average color lasts on a globe would be 3 years with heavy use. All depends on how much the globe is used.
It seems to depend on the batch. I have two more recent blue/white globes where the lava turned a dirty yellow color, but I have an older 2003 model where the lava remains perfectly white. I think this is just a matter of the Chinese manufacturer changing out the dyes used for the blue color with ones which tend to mix with the wax.

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