Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Many years ago I did purchase custom lanar bottles from Mathmos but they seem to not care anymore about happy customers and just sell their stuff.

I remember people stating obout their liquid/oil swap from bottles to make new ones.

I'd like, if my failing eyesignt allows me, to make a clear/plum_dark bottle for a mathmos lunar. How do I have to proceed to transfer astro stuff to a lunar bottle ?

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Anyone with knowledge about taking liquid/oil from astro(s) to make a customized lunar bottle ?

When the globes are cold, Pour the master fluid into a pitcher(s)
Heat the bottles in a water bath to melt the wax
Coat the new lunar bottle with SURF
(If you do not have SURF, you might get away with using some of the master fluid, but no guarantee of sticking)

Carefully pour the molten wax into the globe
(a funnel with a drop tube or lab funnel is recommended)
Add springs

Let cool
Add master fluid

You can follow the directions Restore%20Kit%20Instructions%20.pdf

big thanks for the information.

What is SURF ? A surfactant ? Is there a specific brand/product ?

SURF is short for Surfactant
There are many types of surfactants
SLS is the most common for lava lamps
We use the more expensive SLES for its high cloud point
Triton X will affect the flow

and the list goes on


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