Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I have a question for the Mathmos/Crestworth history buffs in the group :- A friend, noticing my interest, decided to dig out his old lava lamp. Checking with the pics and literature on FlowLava.com, it's the Mathmos ('deluxe model') Rocket, although the name on the base says Crestworth. Is this normal or would this be an early transitional model? Next question would be what sort of price range should he be insuring it for? (No, he's not interested in selling it, it's currrently keeping his daughter happy). I can't see I've ever seen a Rocket for sale so was it more of a limited production run?

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Crestworth is correct. around 150-200 quid depending on scratches or not.

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