Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

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That my friends is a dream come true for an ebay seller - bidding war and emotion taking over. But this is also the type of situation where the buyer may back out at the end.
Wow! That's only $450 Aussie dollars for me - plus postage of course. Bargain! Still a day to go too...
Wow....just WOW
I love that picture for some reason :)

How do you know it is not original?
Would one way to date this be by the number of holes in the base? I have a couple of centuries from the 70's that have much more holes in the base than my ones made in the 80's. Looking at this one on ebay it looks more like my 80's bases than 70's. But what do I know? Any ideas?

(Thanks Kris for pointing me in the right direction.) :)
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot is right - I see:
-- Faded red/purple contents.
-- Screw-top gold 32 oz. bottle never made with red/purple, but cap may have been plack (that WAS made) and sprayed gold.
-- 80s Century base, with hang tag for bottle.

My guess: Seller had 80s Century. Broke bottle. Bought replacement. Replacement had black cap. Painted cap. Bottle got faded.

For $40? Awesome lamp, neat orangey-red in very pale violet, in great shape.

For THAT price?? Ouch!
You'd expect they'd at least throw in the instruction card!
I just figured it was because they still had the tag. Wow, I've been watching different lamps on ebay, noting the times the bid is over and types of lamps and there really is no rhyme or reason as to why some sale for hundreds and some for nothing.
Two of the bidders are going at it again. Check out this Century. 9 days to go and it's already pushing $100.

Your link is not complete. Can't see the item.

Not sure why people drive up prices for themselves. Seems stupid honestly.

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