Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Mathmos price list 2002- This is what the retailers pay mathmos for the lamps?

Just through this would intrested people on here. I have been looking through my mathmos infomation and came across this. I through Astrobaby and others would be intrested in the total price and markup on a mathmos lava lamp.

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Yeah, £125 for a lunar seems mad by todays prices.
So, basically, retailers jack-up the price 50-60%? Wow! That's alot!
Thank you john for sharing.
Wow that's a massive mark up - Mathmos must be making them for peanuts then.
I wonder how easy it would be to buy them in bulk for resell or Goo kit.
"£125 for a lunar seems mad by today's prices." - yea that is a bit crazy I wouldn't buy one for that price, I could probley find it for about 40-60 quid if I do some serious searching.
lol. lol. lol. good luck with that one!

Tim Gill said:
Wow that's a massive mark up - Mathmos must be making them for peanuts then.
I wonder how easy it would be to buy them in bulk for resell or Goo kit.
"£125 for a lunar seems mad by today's prices." - yea that is a bit crazy I wouldn't buy one for that price, I could probley find it for about 40-60 quid if I do some serious searching.

my bargain lunar was £290 + £50 petrol. that really was a bargain, only a tad more than the price when new!!

seriously good quality lamps, worth every penny i think

its being in the right place at the right time isnt it?  considering even cloudy lunars can go for £400+ on ebay, i'm happy with what i paid, but obviously i'd be happier if i paid £20!!

when i got mine it wasnt listed as a mathmos but people still knew what it was. i think the best bargains are to be found in car boots etc. but its back to the right place right time thing. plus i'd have to get up quite early and i'm not too good at that!

Ok I see what you guys mean - i havent got a luner yet and as I am quite skint it may be a while althow car boot season is coming up so I may be luckey.  When i have got some money saved I will probley get one.

Digging up a old thread lol

I am not as skint as I was back on 2011 I have money, weather I am ready to take the plunge with a lunar I don't know - its really space that is a issue / stopping me buying more lamps but I really do / should get some more soon.

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