Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

While walking idly around my room carrying an 18" fluorescent blacklight, just looking at all the things that glow (various pieces of old uranium glass, Geissler tube with fluorescent liquid, anything white, etc.) I noticed something...

...the green lava in my green Fluidium glows. Brightly. The base and cap do, too, but the lava fluoresces much more brightly.

Fluidiums are VERY bright alone, but I wonder if a red bulb (which would impart very little light to the green lava) plus a large fluorescent blacklight stood vertically behind might be a cool show? I may see if I can get a red bulb that'll fit mine and try it, but colored lamps of high enough wattage and small enough base/size may be hard to find here. Mind, I'm in the US, but we DO have Bulbman. They have (almost) everything I know of, only lacking a few decorative things like carbon filaments, Balafires, etc.

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That's pretty sweet Jonas. I do like the Fluidium shape and it seems to have better flow than most other Mathmos lamps I have seen. Can you take a picture/video of the goodness? Would love to see how it glows!
That would be very cool to see

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