Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

This might be a repeat for some of you - sorry if it is - but I am really serious about finding one or more of these. (Thanks for understanding).

Hi there. I am completely new, so please bear with me.
I just found this website a day or so ago. Wow, this is an awesome site!
Here's how I found you. I saw a Florence Art Co. glitter lamp on ebay the other day. I was outbid at the last minute. Here's the link to the auction:
I don't know anything about their prices or rarity. It looks to me like you guys have collected all of them yourselves! Maybe there aren't any more out there!
I would like to see if I can find one of these (Florence Art Co. glitter lamps - a plain looking one like this brass colored one). I would prefer the 10 inch one or perhaps smaller (if they made them smaller).
Here's a link that shows the styles:
I like the style of #1 or #2 or the clock (#21). I might consider some other model also, but would prefer #1 the most. I liked the red one on ebay, but would consider other colors. Does anyone have one they might be willing to let go? If not, does anyone know where I might try to find one? If it doesn't break the bank, I am willing to pay a finder's fee.
ANY information at all would be very much appreciated!!!
Jen P.

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