Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I got the globe of a midnight century at an antique store. I have yet to find a 52oz base but have a spare 32oz base, I have it running on a 32 oz base with a 60w bulb, I know that usually 52oz's use 40's but on this base for whatever reason it didn't seem like it was getting enough heat. Is there any real harm to running my 52oz  globe on a 32oz base? It seems to be going well so far.

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I do this sometimes, but I use a 40w bulb, although some globes need more or less heat. The biggest problem I found was that it becomes a little top heavy.

ok cool, I figured that there wouldn't be any major issues but better safe than sorry.

I would be a bit nervous about it taking a flying flip, Josiah.

I'll definitely take that into consideration, but it at least works until I can find a base that fits, it seems pretty solid though.

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