Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I searched the forums and found favorable results using "Miracle Bubbles" as a surfactant.  I just want to ask again, in case there have been developments worth hearing about.  As long as it won't cloud the water and it keeps the wax from sticking, that would be great.  Please chime in with your experience using "Miracle Bubbles", good or bad.  Thanks! 

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I've tried them Jus, but I've also used the salt with them and my fluid clouded up.  Didn't know if it was the bubbles or the salt though.  It was Epsom salt.  I also tried the salt with the dish liquid and also clouding, so I'm starting to think it may be the salt that is the clouding issue since I used 2 different surfs and got the same result.


Here are some bubbles you do NOT want to use as a surfactant in a lamp with epsom salts.  After about 24 hours it begins to get more and more cloudy.  These are not good:

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