Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hello OG community,

I am curious to find out more about my grandparents' lava lamp. There doesn't seem to be much info online so I am coming to ya'll and asking if you can share your wisdom. I've taken a few pictures of the lamp showing sticker on the base and the markings under the cap (which I didn't even know could be removed until just now! Stinky!) 

Is there a way to determine the year of manufacture? Where were these lamps sold? Is this lamp rare?How the hell did my small-town Minnesota grandparents come to have a lava lamp?! So many questions and I would just like to know more, never thought to ask them about the lamp when they were alive. 

I'd appreciate any info, leads or feeback you can provide. 

Thank you, sincerely.


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Hi Paul, there is some great info in the Lava Library tab showing the lava history by decade and model (scroll slightly down that page will see a list with links to each lamp model). This was the earliest Aristocrat version in early years around 1966 and I believe made this painted base style until late 60's, then went to the brass with pinholes. Someone please chime in if I am wrong on that.

Yes they are rare but some models even more rare.

Getting a Lava Lamps in a small town - could be purchased at local mom and pop stores, could have been a general store with gifts (whoever was a dealer) or larger department stores. Also mail order catalog was a big thing before the internet! Examples are Montgomery Ward, or JCPennys during certain years / model offerings.

Markings under cap, not known if those numbers have any meaning. UL sticker, possibly with research online. Proceed with caution to avoid inhaling the contents, it's all mostly petroleum based contents and other possible toxicities such as PERC.

As for marking under cap I mean the stamped impression in the plastic. I want to start a new topic on that and check a few of mine to compare, but I think they are from a master casting.

In the 70's through early 90's there was paper date stamp inside the cap just below the screw threads, and sometimes can see it by tilting bottle slightly without twisting off cap.

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