Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi All! I got my first lava lamp for Christmas and it's a big one. :D It worked beautifully for the first few days and now there are all kinds of bubbles in the lava. I have been searching online for a solution and some places mentioned cycling the lamp? I stumbled onto your site here and you all seem to have good answers to problems. What do I do about the bubbles, and if I need to cycle the lamp...how do I do that? Thanks for you help. :)

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I don't know the severity of the bubbles. could you post a pic of your lamp when it is flowing to see how much bubbles it has?
OK...I have another question...should my water level be all the way to the top of the globe or is it normal for it to be an inch and a half or so low? It's just that it seems like it's when the lava gets to the top...to that pocket of air...that it starts getting the air bubbles that stay in the lava afterward. I'm new at lava lamps, in case you can't tell LOL!!
OK...I have another question...should my water level be all the way to the top of the globe or is it normal for it to be an inch and a half or so low? It's just that it seems like it's when the lava gets to the top...to that pocket of air...that it starts getting the air bubbles that stay in the lava afterward. I'm new at lava lamps, in case you can't tell LOL!!

Oh...I do not have a pic of it just yet...can maybe do that tomorrow...but the air bubbles make ALL of the lava look like a honeycomb. If that helps...
Well hope fully some one else could give you a better anser becouse I dont know that much yet. Ok I think it is normal to have that 1 inch at top and when the lamp is hot it will not be an inch it will be smaller. As the lamp heats up the liquid will expand. Well hopfuly some one can let you know if I am right.

Forgot to say not new to Lava Lamps but have not had one in a very very long time. I have allways loved them.

Thank you for that info. I really appreciate it. :)

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