Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I have this globe that was sent as a replacement from a shop on ebay but I don't think it is from the silver streak like because it is purple liquid and pink (hot pink looking) wax and that color combo isn't listed on a silver streak box. I thought it was red wax at first but after cooling it and looking at the bottom, it was pink. but anyway the bottle cap says lava lite with a big number of 21 and the first line reads 990119 and the second line reads 011399A. Any help would be appreciated. I have it on a silver streak base here https://oozinggoo.ning.com/photo/photo/show?id=1566398%3APhoto%3A20807

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I don't know if it is from the silver streak line or not. The guy gave it to me in a little box. The lava looks like it is a hot pink color and it looks pinkish when flowing. usually when the lava is all at the bottom and solid you can tell what the color of the wax is and this one is deffinately a pink color. is there any 32 ounce series from 99 that would have had the purple liquid and pink lava?
that is weird. so technically it is considered a red/purple. hmmm makes me want to go for a true red/purple so I can have both the colors. I will just keep it with that base cause the original globe for that base had seen way too much sun and the purple whent to a pail pink. When it is on, it reminds me of lemon aid cause it is a bit cloudy too.
I don't really follow the explosion of color numbers in the late 90s, but this color, hot pink wax in purple liquid, was an experimental color test-marketed in Spencers' biggest stores (such as my local store) It was called "Royal Red", and the first shipment here sold out in the span of a single day. It was a smash hit. I have one and I love it. No idea why it was termed "red" at all, but just accept it as a really vivid variant on pink/purple. Incidentally, it was released first as part of the Spencer Gifts Custom Lava program, wherein 32oz. bases/caps and globes were packaged and could be purchased separately. It looks amazing on a Midnight base.
Now that looks good! red/purple look good together.
Ya, it looks pretty vivid looking but is is pink! lol am not much of a fan of any shade of pink.

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