Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Does anyone own one of these or ever even heard of them? What does dual chamber mean?

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I have two in MINT condition.  They have an inner core of whte wax and outer layer is a glitter lamp in a stunning magenta liquid , white base.  One of the most expensive lamps ever made by lavalite and rare like crazy considering they were readily available on the market for a long time before going on sale then selling out.   I've not seen one on ebay in years.  I've only taken mnie out of the box once to start up then placed back in their respective containers and have never taken them out since.  There are a number of  photos and posts here as this subject comes up every so often by someone fascinated or looking to buy one.  One of my all time favorites of all the LavaLite original lamps I own.  

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