Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hello my oozy friends,


Middle May I found an intriguing pair of lava-lamps at a car-boot sale. She had both a lava and a glitter and told me they were from the 1920s and she did not want to let them go for any less then 20 quid each - I got the glitter for 10.


I am very curious does anyone know who made it? And would anybody be interested in making me an offer - I am currently selling it on Ebay. 


http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1706691099... (or search 1920s glitter lamp via oozing goo link)








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This is not 1920s it is a hunter lamp. The people made them in the U.K to compete with Crestworth.

Ah, ok! I think it is pretty stunning lamp anyway, it seems as some of the liquid has evaporated can this be replaced?


You should search "hunter glitter lamp" on ebay now +P

i am not sure about evaporated liquid.
Yes, this is a late 1960s "Hunter" lamp, a Crestworth knockoff. The actual product name was the "Sata-Glitterlite", the lava lamp version being the "Sata-Lite." And it's missing some liquid, which is common in these. Don't open it, the stuff inside is NOT user-friendly.
very toxic stuff inside
Sounds like hydrochloric acid :O

krissyfromswindon said:
very toxic stuff inside
why are glitter lamps so poisonous?

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