Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

1991 Blue/White Century with crappy wax, FREE plus shipping!

Got this century earlier this year for a killer deal and just plain dont like it... its dated 1991 fromt he sticker inside the cap. The once-white wax is now really yellow near the bulb and the wax has all sorts of bubbles and almost soapy "foam" when it runs. Ive tried all different bulbs, dimmers, different run times etc... nothing has fixed it so Im offering it to you guys here. This would make a great lamp for a goo-kit project. Its free to a good home, You just need to pay the $22 shipping cost (in the US)

The pictures make it look better than it actually is...

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Hi! I am new to the group. I am wanting to work on Goo Kits and all my lavas have the small opening. I am dreading trying to clean those for my first goo kit attempt...lol! I would be HAPPY to take this off your hands. :) 

I could not message you, but sent a friend request. Please send me a message and let me know how I can get the $ to you. Thanks!

Hey, didnt have time to get on here and mark this as sold but its gone already, sorry Kim!!!

Oh, no problem. I have several 32 oz that need to be rebuilt. I am just trying to make my first attempt be on something with a little bit larger opening... :)

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