Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I read in a forum somewhere lately that you could find the 250 oz Grandes at Costco somewhere in California for $40. I just went to one here in Gwinnett county Georgia and they have them there too!

They had yellow/blue, red/clear, and pink/purple combos. I opened them in the store to make sure they weren't cloudy. They were crystal clear. They have started flowing and still extremely clear. Picked up 2 of them for my own birthday this weekend!


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Really? I was not aware of this. I ran them for about 8 hrs on the 1st cycle today, and the lava did eventually stay at the top too much (one more than the other). However, I just assumed that it was because the proper flow may take a few cycles before it levels out.

Is this common knowledge about lowering the heat on these? Thanks for the tip.
I see. So how did you find out about the softer wax? Any suggestions on what kind of dimmer or watt bulb to use? What are you using?

I got a clear/red one and a blue/yellow one. I think the clear/red one is currently our favorite.
Thanks Bohdan. Just picked up two of those today (black ones).

Just beginning to experiment with the dimmer. So far I still have some flow issues. The yellow/blue one still has lots of air bubbles inside the lava, and continuously has a high pointy mound from the base, making long trails upwards. The red/clear one is still making very small (not tiny) blobs with the vast majority of the lava staying in the base. Maybe it will correct itself after a few cycles.
What is the wattage on the light bulb and how long does it take to start flowing? Is it as nice as the smaller ones as far a their activity goes? How is their color?

Thanks for the info.

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