Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


I brought out my 90's Mathmos Astro. This went cloudy a couple of years ago and it's been in storage since. I wasn't any better when i tried it last night.

So today i went to buy a china lamp. Emptied out the old water and wax and cleaned the bottle.

Then i emptied out the water from the new lamp and warmed the wax, after that i poured the new wax into the old bottle. I let i cool for about 2 hours before i put the water solution back in. The new lamp had about 9dl of water, the old about 11dl( 52oz lamp ). I refilled with destilled water for the remainder.

No it's been sitting on the stand for about 4 hours and suddenly a big air bouble that was trapped under the wax went up, shortly after all of the wax floated to the top and stays there.

What is the cause of this and what can i do?

The original astro bottle have a mesh and not a coil, i'm still using the mesh.

I'm also using the original 40w bulb and not the 30w halogen bulb that came with the china lamp.

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Fixed it :) Changed out the mesh for the coil that came with the china lamp, all good now:)

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