Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

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i never bothered sending mine back after i was told they couldnt quantee if i would get my same limited numbered base back, so i decided to hang on to it and keep the unglued heating plate fitting loose, it works fine and been on everyday since december and not stopped work, what i do is when it gets near the year warrenty i send it back lol


This all sounds rather like a prototype released onto the market too soon.

Obviously Mathmos are having some problems with this new lamp.  I reckon that the technology used is/was probably bought from some Far East website and now seems to be 'good to look at' but 'no good to use' or something. There always seems to be a fairly high failure rate with microchips and such.

Thanks Viva Sativa - I've signed up to hear from Mathmos about their new release - and I reckon that if I start putting £10 a month aside now, I should have saved enough to buy a lamp by the time they're available!! LOL

Johnny - I don't blame you for hanging onto the original - how on earth can they NOT give you the same base back after repair?


Richard - hi there - nice to see you still going strong!  You don't really believe that they'll be available in the next month, do you? Born optimist!!! :D

Regards having the same base back after repair, that would be great don't see why not. All three of our lamps had really great numbers. What's a number if the lamps don't work though, could me be being negative as all three of our lamps went back. I'm sitting on my hands for a good long while before buying anymore that's for sure. They are a really beautiful lamp to watch though, I miss ours really badly they were my favourite lamps.

Exactly Susan - if you send something in for repair then you expect to get it back - not something else.

Their staff could be in for a killing if they exchanged all numbered units sent in for repair with second issue ones.....and then repaired and sold the originals to their staff. Hmmmm?

If I can get my missus to keep her purse closed for a while longer I'll be far happier too.

wot me ?

Paul said:
LOL, this is my lamp! I had some very high offers over E mail for international buyers. Problem is the final guy who won lives in Austria when this is only a UK auction! I'll have a look at postage etc and see if its worth sending, if mot I will second chance it, that would mean you Chris!

Reply by krissyfromswindon 8 minutes ago

"wot me ?"


No - ME!! :P


Haven't heard from Paul yet so guess he's come to some agreement to take a holiday in Austria!

Oh well - never mind!

bugger lol
If I get offered it, you can always pay for it for me!! :D :D LOL
Sorry Chris, will keep you up to date! Have been busy with work.

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