Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

As I have scaled back a bit, I have decided to let these go. They are great for displaying your lamps and doing a "Layered" or tiered effect up on shelves or cabinetry. Can be arranged in many creative ways. Sizes & quantities are listed below:

2 Large -- (8" high, 6" deep, 10" wide)
5 Medium-- (6" high, 6" deep, 8" wide)
3 Small-- (5" high, 5" deep, 5" wide)

Most all have some imperfections to some degree, one or two have a warped leg. But the scratches are not visible when placed over eye level like on shelves, etc.

I would prefer they all go to one home, and get them gone in one shot. PM me if interested.

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These do look fab but i'm looking for an 'S' shaped stand in clear plexi or lucite which will have a tall cylinder lamp sitting through the hole in the middle. I've seen them in France.
I will let all of them go for $5 + shipping. They need to go fast, I will be moving in a few weeks.
PM me if interested!

No they aren't for sale, the groove tube looking one was made around '97 by a Taiwan company, it was branded a "Volcano Lamp" from a store called Natural wonders in the mall (like a Discovery channel store). Used to be Yellow lava / Green liquid but I refilled it with Metallic green lava instead. I do remember Spencer's carrying the larger versions of these in Lava and Glitter called "Aurora" & "Stardust" Lamps respectively.
Oh man - Natural Wonders stores. Whatever happened to them? They were the COOLEST store in the mall!

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