Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I recently acquired a consort lava lamp and it is missing the reflector as many are.  Is it possible to use a reflector bulb instead of just a regular 15 watt light bulb.

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Hey June,

About your Consort.  Have you actually found a small projector style incandescent bulb of appropriate wattage to test out?


Think it might be tough, good luck with your search!

Think a "cup" reflector should be easy enough to fabricate out of like an aluminum can, nothing really much to them and it would heat the globe up close to the original I would think.  Both mine have theirs in them, lucky I guess. Good luck with search!

No, I was thinking about a 25 watt reflector bulb. I did see someone said you could use a 25 watt s11N bulb. When I tried the 15 watt bulb nothing happened  with the wax. It just sat there.  I suppose I might need to replace the contents too.

Critter said:

Hey June,

About your Consort.  Have you actually found a small projector style incandescent bulb of appropriate wattage to test out?


Did you have to replace the contents of your consort?  I think I may have to.  Some of the wax is stringing but the liquid is clear and the wax sitting at the bottom seem ok. It didn't do anything with a 15 watt bulb. The wax just sat there. I may have to try that, I was thinking about a 25 watt reflector bulb, sure don't want to get it to hot though.

Mr MaGoo said:

Think a "cup" reflector should be easy enough to fabricate out of like an aluminum can, nothing really much to them and it would heat the globe up close to the original I would think.  Both mine have theirs in them, lucky I guess. Good luck with search!

I used one of these bulbs a few years ago with mine and it worked very good. they used these at one time in their Clear View lamps a few years back. here is a link online.  https://www.amazon.com/Ferrofluid-Lava-Lamp-Replacement-Reflector/d... 

Thanks, I will give them a try.

Zachary said:

I used one of these bulbs a few years ago with mine and it worked very good. they used these at one time in their Clear View lamps a few years back. here is a link online.  https://www.amazon.com/Ferrofluid-Lava-Lamp-Replacement-Reflector/d... 

Is that a European base on that bulb?  Wouldn't that entail a socket base change?

Its american, the European base is E14

Ah, ok..ty for clarification.

No, goo is good in both. Got lucky there too I guess.  Careful with the higher wattage bulbs heats faster, hotter and will shorten goo life.  If higher bulb used a dimmer for sure. Good luck.

June C Flesner-Becker said:

Did you have to replace the contents of your consort?  I think I may have to.  Some of the wax is stringing but the liquid is clear and the wax sitting at the bottom seem ok. It didn't do anything with a 15 watt bulb. The wax just sat there. I may have to try that, I was thinking about a 25 watt reflector bulb, sure don't want to get it to hot though.

Mr MaGoo said:

Think a "cup" reflector should be easy enough to fabricate out of like an aluminum can, nothing really much to them and it would heat the globe up close to the original I would think.  Both mine have theirs in them, lucky I guess. Good luck with search!

My orignal fluid was murky, so I just refilled with fresh water, and kept adding salt until it burst into life!

If the wax is a good colour I'd definitely try a little salt first before replacing.

In fact, it was my first lava refurb and I must have overdone it with the salt and refilled it at least six times before getting it right, and it's still crystal clear now with a good flow (I didn't use any surficant), so the original wax must be pretty robust.

June C Flesner-Becker said:

Did you have to replace the contents of your consort?  I think I may have to.  Some of the wax is stringing but the liquid is clear and the wax sitting at the bottom seem ok. It didn't do anything with a 15 watt bulb. The wax just sat there. I may have to try that, I was thinking about a 25 watt reflector bulb, sure don't want to get it to hot though.

Mr MaGoo said:

Think a "cup" reflector should be easy enough to fabricate out of like an aluminum can, nothing really much to them and it would heat the globe up close to the original I would think.  Both mine have theirs in them, lucky I guess. Good luck with search!

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